
IREM Blogs

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48 posts Filter
  • May 18, 2022
  • John Salustri

Six budget items property managers miss

Numbers may not be as hard and fast as they might appear. Not, at least, when it comes to budgeting. “Do your plans always go perfectly?” asks a wry Lucinda Lilley, CPM®, CAPS, GRI. Well, says the vice president of FBS Property Management, AMO®, in San Diego, “a budget is nothing more than a plan, there to keep everyone on the same page and going in the right direction.”


  • Apr 22, 2022
  • IREM

The many benefits of developing a property management plan

Real estate managers are responsible for much more than most people think. When you look out your window, especially if you’re in a dense, urban environment, you probably see a lot of buildings. Someone is responsible for managing each of those properties, from top to bottom, from showing, leasing, and payments to maintenance, budgeting, improvements, safety, and so much more.


  • Apr 05, 2022
  • Stacy Holden, Sr. Director and Industry Principal, AppFolio

How to drive property management employee satisfaction: A boots-on-the-ground perspective

In the summer of 2021, AppFolio sponsored a survey of over 1,000 property management businesses to gain a firmer grasp of their top challenges. More than 50% of respondents put HR, staffing, and recruitment at the top of the list, with 74% citing it as one of their top three challenges.


  • Feb 22, 2022
  • IREM

The importance of data in real estate management

Data’s all around us. Every time we make an online purchase, send a tweet, respond to an email, or make a phone call, we’re creating new data. What does that mean? And why should anyone care?


  • Dec 28, 2021
  • John Salustri

Building the Future – Michael R. Bottos

We’ve probably all been there. We’ve been dismissed or discounted in our early years in business due to our lack of experience, and we’ve all felt the resultant self-doubt and the drain on our levels of confidence.


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