
IREM Blogs

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  • Jun 20, 2024
  • Foxen

Rent reporting: A leading amenity differentiator

In today’s economy, establishing and building a good credit score is crucial for financial health and wellbeing. Historically, credit scores have been influenced primarily by factors like credit card usage, loan repayments, and other similar forms of credit. However, a growing trend in the credit industry is the inclusion of rent payments in credit reports. This change can significantly impact renters who are looking to build or improve their credit scores.more

  • Jun 18, 2024
  • IREM

The evolution of IREM®’s DISI program: A new era of career development

IREM’s Diversity & Inclusion Succession Initiative (DISI) is a career development program designed to elevate the careers of IREM members from marginalized backgrounds. The program identifies promising real estate management professionals and helps equip them to thrive as CPMs.more

  • Jun 14, 2024
  • IREM

The value of volunteering with IREM®

Volunteering with IREM provides career benefits that extend beyond personal satisfaction. DISI Leader and CPM® Candidate Destiny Robinson shares her experiences as an IREM volunteer and offers advice for those considering it. more

  • May 21, 2024
  • IREM

7 reasons why you should submit a nomination for an IREM® REME Award

IREM members may be biased, but winning an IREM REME Award is among the highest honors a real estate professional can achieve, as an individual or as a professional firm. Once earned, it’s a distinction that can never be taken away, a significant career milestone that distinguishes you or your company from the rest. more

  • May 15, 2024
  • IREM

Expanding Horizons: IREM® goes to the UAE to explore the region’s dynamic real estate market

In late April, IREM representatives embarked on a dynamic journey to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a country known for its rapid development and innovative real estate projects. With a population of nearly 10 million, the UAE is a melting pot of cultures and a thriving hub for real estate, and, therefore, for real estate management. Our mission was to expand IREM's presence in this vibrant region and forge meaningful connections with local industry leaders. more

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