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Introducing the IREM® DEI Skill Badge: Cultivating DEI Initiatives

Unlock potential through inclusive change. As a property manager, you know that success extends beyond the property itself. It's about providing quality customer service, working effectively with diverse people, and creating an inclusive environment. This holistic approach can elevate your business to new heights. That’s where IREM’s Skill Badge on Cultivating DEI Initiatives comes into play.

This new Skill Badge takes DEI training and skill-building to the next level. Designed by DEI experts, IREM’s comprehensive course empowers property managers to foster a deeper understanding of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) across their teams. It covers core concepts such as privilege and oppression, and provides actionable steps to implement DEI initiatives in your workplace and community.

What Is DEI?

Diversity encompasses the range of differences among people, including race, gender, age, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. Equity focuses on ensuring fair treatment, access, and opportunities for all, while striving to eliminate barriers that have historically led to exclusion. Inclusion is about creating environments where everyone feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued.

Understanding DEI is crucial to property managers - it enhances skills by fostering inclusive environments where all stakeholders feel valued. Recognizing how identity informs social inequality allows property managers to address systemic issues affecting tenants, employees, and the broader community.

Key concepts covered in the course

Socialization: How individuals learn and internalize societal values, beliefs, and norms.

Oppression: The systemic and pervasive nature of social inequality, institutionalized and culturally reinforced.

Privilege: Unearned advantages based on one's identity.

The Importance of DEI in property management

DEI initiatives are essential for providing excellent property management services. By understanding and addressing social inequality, property managers can create more equitable and inclusive practices that benefit all stakeholders. This leads to improved tenant satisfaction, enhanced team performance, and a more positive community impact.

Course outline and learning objectives

The course is structured into four comprehensive modules, each focusing on a crucial aspect of DEI:

Understanding DEI

  • Define diversity, equity, and inclusion
  • Recognize the importance of DEI in property management
  • Explore how identity informs social inequality
  • Understand the “Cycle of Socialization”

Privilege & oppression

  • Identify the nature of social inequality in the U.S. and how it operates on three levels: individual, institutional, and structural
  • Complete the Privilege/Oppressed Identity Inventory and reflect on experiences
  • Three levels of social inequality
  • Delve deeper into social inequality in the U.S.
  • Explain the three levels of privilege/oppression with real estate examples for various identity groups: race, gender, sexual orientation, and age

Taking action

  • Explain why DEI is crucial to property management
  • Identify actionable steps to create greater inclusion in your workplace or community
  • Learn best practices for designing DEI goals and initiatives
  • Gain inspiration from successful DEI initiatives executed by IREM members

Achieving the IREM DEI Skill Badge: Cultivating DEI Initiatives

By completing this Skill Badge, you will:

  • Foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment
  • Understand social inequality and its impact on the real estate industry
  • Learn to spearhead DEI initiatives that drive meaningful change and distinguish your organization

This Skill Badge builds upon the knowledge gained from the IREM Skill Badge: Building DEI, but can also be completed separately. Invest in your DEI understanding and unlock a new level of success for your career and organization through inclusive change.

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