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IREM Celebrates CPM of the Year, Shannon Longino

IREM’s REME Awards celebrate the best of the real estate management profession in both individual and corporate categories. Among the individual categories, CPM of the Year goes to a singular real estate management professional who rises up personally and professionally.

To be recognized as CPM of the Year, you need to demonstrate a commitment to our profession, provide excellent service to your clients, tenants and residents, and demonstrate a personal commitment to community service. Winners are recognized leaders, mentors, and actively engage with IREM at the local or national level. IREM members do excellent work every day, and this award recognizes the truly special.

The 2019 award went to Shannon Longino, CPM®, of Truist Community Capital in Atlanta, Georgia.

Shannon has been in the real estate management profession for more than 25 years, and served as the 2018-2019 IREM Georgia Chapter president. As chapter president, she was positioned to help open up the real estate management profession to new audiences through education. She was also interested in establishing IREM membership as a catalyst for success and education among young professionals.

To help foster interest, she served on the advisory board of the University of Georgia’s (UGA) College of Family and Consumer Science, which offers a program in residential property management. “I thought that if the IREM chapter president was involved with the students, the organization would have more impact. If they could see me, they would know that we’re interested in their career development—plus, we could pair them up with mentors to help them begin their careers.”

She also re-shaped chapter activities and events to keep members energized. One of her favorites was a superhero party, where attendees were encouraged to don hero/heroine costumes that exemplified “what we aspire to be and the qualities we have, like courage, strength, vision and tenacity. We got outside the box with that one.”

As a chapter president, Shannon’s goal was to provide guidance to the talented group of young members by ensuring they learn ethics, finance, management, maintenance, and all the skills they need to grow and flourish. She believes that with the right foundation, they can go anywhere.

Would you like to nominate a deserving professional for CPM of the Year? Submissions are open through June 12.


Congratulations! You make me very proud.


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