Frequently Asked Questions


You’ve come to the right place for your ACoM questions.

These are questions most prospective ACoMs will want to know the answers to.

  • When should I apply for the ACoM?

    You should submit your application only after completing the ACoM certification courses and passing the ACoM Certification Exam. Familiarize yourself with all the ACoM certification activities and professional experience requirements before starting your ACoM journey.

  • How do I know if my real estate management experience qualifies?

    Prospective ACoMs need a total of 12 months of qualifying commercial real estate management experience by the time they submit their ACoM application. This means performing at least 14 of 29 commercial real estate management functions on a real estate portfolio that meets minimum sizes. Your experience does not need to be a sequential 12 months. Learn more >>

  • Which certification courses do I need to take for the ACoM?

    The simplest path to ACoM certification is the ACoM Track (ACMTRK) that includes the two ACoM certification courses and ACoM Certification Exam. The ACoM Track is available in the classroom or online. Download the ACoM Checklist to learn more.

  • How long does the complete ACoM certification process take?

    The total process from Learning to Graduation takes about 2-3 months.

  • What is the total cost of earning the ACoM?

    Approximately $1,360 (Estimate based on non-member certification course pricing.)

  • Once I graduate, are there ongoing costs?

    To maintain the ACoM, you will need to pay annual dues.

    Year 1: After application fee is paid, no additional fees or dues are owed in that year.
    Annually: ACoM dues
    IREM chapter dues 
    Average $200 (varies by chapter)
  • How can I qualify for the ACoM Fast Track?

    If you meet either of the criteria below, you are eligible to waive CML201 or MXD201.

    If you have a bachelors or graduate degree with major, minor or concentration in real estate or property management – or an associate’s degree in a non-residential property or real estate management program, and take ETH800 or ETH001


    If you hold a CPM, CCIM, CSM, PCAM, or RPA designation, and take ETH800 or ETH001.

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