
Ruling on Criminal Background Policies

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$ 99.00

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Course Description

HUD has issued new rules and guidelines which affect fair housing protections. They directly affect fair housing requirements for owner and management agents. In this course, the rules will be explained in detail.  Guidance will be given in how these updates should be implemented in today’s fair housing environment considering disparate impact rulings from HUD.

We will examine HUD’s memos and see what they mean for us today. Since nearly one-third of the population has a criminal record of some sort, we need to understand the rights of the accused and the rights of a property owner. When are rules effective?

Learning objectives:

  • Do I have to change policies?
  • What do I need to provide?
  • How does this affect landlord liability?
  • Individualized assessment procedure for applications by felons
  • How to interpret the rulers and how to stay in compliance especially with reference to the fair housing
  • We will go over some “real world” examples and give some hints to make your job easier

Review our course policies and procedures page for further information

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