Frequently Asked Questions


Does your firm have questions about becoming an AMO? We have answers.

These are questions most prospective AMO firms will want to know the answers to. If you do not see the answer to your specific question, please contact us at amo@irem.org or give us a call at 800-837-0706.

  • What are the benefits of becoming an AMO?

    As an AMO you’ll increase the visibility and reputation of your firm, joining an elite group of  over 500 firms internationally to hold the distinction. You’ll be more attractive to clients, prospective employees, and even tenants and lenders. Plus, you’ll be listed in the IREM AMO directory, get competitive rates on AMO crime insurance, and be promoted regularly by IREM.

  • My firm is located outside of the U.S., can we still be an AMO?

    Yes. Download the Non-US firms AMO Application to learn more.

  • How do I know if our firm’s real estate management experience qualifies?

    Prospective AMO firms need to be in business for at least three years, and meet 18 of 28 required best practices and functions for servicing clients and managing your properties.

  • How does IREM define a “CPM in an executive position?”

    Your firm must have a CPM in an executive position who is responsible for setting the firm’s real estate management policies and delivering its services, and will take the required AMO courses. For the AMO accreditation, this CPM is referred to as the Executive CPM and must also have authority over at least 4 of 6 functions listed in the AMO Application, like hiring, training, and negotiating management agreements. See all requirements in the AMO Application.

  • Our firm has more than one office, can we all be AMOs?”

    AMO accreditation extends to any and all of a firm’s branch offices, so long as each branch is identified by the firm, performs real estate management and satisfies a few additional criteria. Note that annual AMO dues of $110 are paid for each branch. You’ll find more information about branch offices in the AMO Application.

  • Who takes the AMO certification courses, and where?

    Certification courses must be taken by your firm’s designated Executive CPM (see above). Courses are available in the classroom in certain locations and also online. Click here to learn more.

  • I’ve taken Ethics for the Real Estate Manager (ETH800) in the past. Do I have to take it again?

    No. If you have previously completed the ethics course, there is no need to take it again.

  • How do we get credit for the AMO certification courses?

    Your firm’s designated Executive CPM must complete all courses and pass the 50-question course exams.

  • How long does the complete AMO certification process take?

    The total process from Identify to Certify takes about 2-3 months. Online coursework options are self-paced and may take less (or more) time. Most AMO applications are approved within 30-60 days of submission.

  • What is the total cost of earning the AMO?

    Approximately $1600.

  • Once my firm is accredited as an AMO, are there ongoing costs?

    To maintain the AMO, you will need to pay annual AMO dues for the corporate office and each individual branch. You must apply for reaccreditation and pay a reaccreditation fee of $100 at least once every three years.

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