Step 1: Identify


The AMO® (Accredited Management Organization®) accreditation is the mark of an exceptional property management firm, management expertise, and unmatched integrity. Owners and investors choose AMO firms time and again because of their extremely high standards.

Before you apply, review the accreditation highlights and all three steps of the AMO process in detail.

Details for non-US firms seeking the AMO

Process highlights:

  • Identify a firm executive who holds a CPM®
  • Executive CPM completes the AMO certification course
  • Submit an AMO application reporting information about your offices, with all supplemental documentation required
  • IREM HQ and local Chapter review and endorsement certify after approval by IREM
  • The total cost for AMO accreditation is $620 annually with a $110 fee for each branch office added. Dues and fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. To maintain the AMO annual dues are owed.


Over 500 elite firms currently call themselves AMOs. Join this exclusive group. Certify today.

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Identify an Executive CPM to represent your firm

First, you’ll identify an executive in your firm who holds a CPM (Certified Property Manager) designation to represent your firm on the path to AMO accreditation. This individual needs to direct and supervise the firm’s real estate management activities, and have been in his or her position for at least 180 days. You’ll provide an org chart during the application process to verify this.

For purposes of the AMO accreditation, this person is referred to as the Executive CPM, and he or she will need to complete the required AMO certification course.

AMO certification courses

To earn the AMO, your firm’s appointed Executive CPM (see above) will take certification courses – one on leadership, and another on ethics:

* CPMs who have already taken the ethics course do not need to repeat it.

Before moving to Step 2

  • Identify an executive in your firm who holds the CPM designation
  • Executive complete the AMO certification course

Proceed to Step 2: Qualify

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