Parking, Barking and Snarking: Managing Resident Violations

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11 am PT / 12 pm MT / 1 pm CT / 2 pm ET
*approximate length: 45 minutes to 1 hour

Presenter: Doug Chasick, CPM®, "That Fair Housing Guy" 

Is lease enforcement keeping you up all night? Could you write a book about all the explanations you've received in response to your notices to cure? As a property manager, you know that handling resident violations effectively is crucial for maintaining a safe, peaceful community and protecting your investment. But are you confident you're doing it right?

In this power-packed session, you'll discover:

  • How to document violations in a way that will stand up in court
  • How to communicate with residents about infractions without damaging relationships
  • The legal pitfalls you MUST avoid when addressing violations
  • Strategies to reduce repeat offenses and create a culture of compliance

Learning Objectives:

  • Examine the difference between equal treatment and treating everyone the same
  • Identify the critical elements of onboarding residents
  • Assessing the enforceability of your policies and rules
  • Administering lease clauses, house rules and policies while complying with fair housing laws

Doug Chasick, That Fair Housing Guy™, is the former President of the Fair Housing Institute, Inc. With more than 47 years of investment real estate experience, he began as the Resident Manager of a 524-unit apartment property and has been the President or CEO of five real estate companies, responsible for portfolios of over 28,000 apartments, and more than 8 million square feet of commercial, retail and industrial properties.

Doug was awarded his CPM® in 1979 and was a member of the IREM National Faculty. A Senior Instructor member of the NAAEI Faculty, he leads the Advanced Facilitator Training course, is the co-author of “Outstanding Facilitation Techniques”, and was deeply involved in the creation of the joint IREM & NAAEI “Fair Housing and Beyond” course. He is a licensed Real Estate Broker in Florida, a licensed Expert Fair Housing Instructor in the Commonwealth of Virginia, and the recipient of the NAAEI Apartment Career & Education award.

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