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If you’re interested in certifying a portfolio of properties, consider enrolling in the IREM Certified Sustainable Property Volume Program.
In order to participate in the Volume Program, your company must have a sustainability program for your portfolio and:
- Commit to certifying 10+ properties
- Do at least one of the following:
IREM will use these items, as well as other information from your corporate policies and practices, to map your portfolio-level sustainability initiatives to certification requirements and prepare your Volume Program certification materials.
Benefits of the Volume Program include:
- Streamlined and expedited certification process
- Customized certification materials
- Discounted application fees
- Recognition by IREM
- Listing in our certified sustainable property directory
Get Started - Volume Program
Ready to get started? Enroll in the IREM CSP Volume Program on the application platform.
You’ll be required to provide documentation on your company’s portfolio-level policies and programs that align with items on the CSP checklist for your property type. IREM will then evaluate these policies and programs, and potentially credit those CSP items covered at the portfolio level—streamlining the checklist and application process.
After enrolling, companies are eligible for the Volume Program for three years, after which they may re-enroll. Volume Program participants may certify as many properties as desired in each year of eligibility, with a total of at least 10 properties certified by the end of eligibility.
Application fee discounts are available at the following levels:
IREM members and AMO firms
10+ applications: $900/application
Non-member individuals and companies
10+ applications: $1260/application