Step 2: Test


In this step, you’ll prove you have the knowledge that sets an ACoM apart by passing your ACoM Certification Exam.

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ACoM Certification Exam

The ACoM Certification Exam is an open-book exam with 100 multiple-choice questions covering topics in commercial property budgeting, human resources, risk management, leasing, and more. And, it’s available as part of the ACoM Track in the classroom or online.

Click here to register for the ACoM Track, which includes a more detailed description of the ACoM Certification Exam >>

Before moving to Step 3

  • Pass the ACoM certification exam

View Step 3: Apply

Complete ACoM courses and exam in under a week

The ACoM Track is your one stop combo with courses and exam. It helps simplify the registration process and can help you complete them in less than one week.*

*Certification application and approval process not included

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